- Synaxarion of the The Sunday of Zacchaeus.
- St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco – Sermon on the Theophany.
- Saint John Chrysostom – The Nativity Sermon.
- Saint Germanos, Archbishop of Constantinople – First Homily on the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple.
- St John of Kronstadt – Sermon on the Synaxis of Archangel Michael.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Twenty First-Sunday after Pentecost: the Sower.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Resurrection of the Son of the Widow.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost: "Love ye your Enemies."
- Commemoration of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost: the Great Commandment.
- Saint Sophronios of Jerusalem – Encomium on the Conception of Saint John the Baptist.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon on the Cross and on the Lord’s Resurrection.
- St. Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov – Homily On The Nativity Of The Most Pure Theotokos.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon on John the Baptist.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost: Forgiveness of Debts.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: Healing the Possessed Youth.
- Saint Theodore the Studite – Encomium on the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost: the Storm.
- Saint Andrew of Crete – Sermon on the Transfiguration of Christ our Lord.
- Saint Archbishop John (Maximovitch) – About the Apostles Peter and Paul.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Two sermons on the Birthday of Saint John the Baptist.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the First Sunday after Pentecost: Sunday of all the Saints
- Hiermonk Seraphim (Rose) – The “Vita Prima” of St John the Wonderworker.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for Sunday of the Holy Trinity or Pentecost.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon given on Pentecost.
- Synaxarion for the Pentecost Sunday.
- Synaxarion for the Soul Saturday before Holy Pentecost.
- Synaxarion for the Sunday of the God-bearing Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Seventh Sunday of Easter: the Holy Fathers.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon on the Ascension of the Lord.
- Synaxarion for the Holy Ascension.
- Synaxarion for the Sunday of the Blind Man.
- Synaxarion for the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.
- Synaxarion for the Sunday of the Paralytic.
- Synaxarion for the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women.
- Synaxarion for Thomas Sunday (Antipascha).
- The Synaxarion for Holy and Great Pascha.
- Saint John Chrysostom – The Paschal homily,
- Synaxarion for Holy and Great Saturday.
- Synaxarion for Holy and Great Friday.
- Synaxarion for Holy and Great Thursday.
- Synaxarion for Holy and Great Wednesday.
- Synaxarion for Holy and Great Tuesday.
- Synaxarion for Holy and Great Monday.
- The Synaxarion of Palm Sunday.
- The Synaxarion of the sunday of St. Mary of Egypt.
- The Synaxarion of the Sunday of St. John of The Ladder.
- Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky – Sermon on the Feast Day of the Annunciation.
- The Synaxarion of the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon on the Fasts of Quadragesima.
- Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) – The Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy and the Sorrow of Orthodox Christians.
- The Synaxarion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy.
- Lark Buns (Zhavoronki) Recipe for the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon on the Fast at the Beginning of Quadragesima.
- Hieromonk Methodius (Savelov-Iogel) – Sunday of Forgiveness.
- Synaxarion for the Saturday of Cheesefare.
- Synaxarion of the Sunday of the Last Judgment (Meatfare Sunday).
- Synaxarion of the The Sunday of the Prodigal Son.
- Synaxarion of the The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Two sermons on Zacchaeus.
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Homily on the meeting of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ including the subject of chastity and its evil opposite.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon given after Epiphany.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon on Epiphany.
- St. Amphilochios of Iconium – Homily on the Circumcision of Christ and Basil the Great.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon given before the Birthday of the Lord.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon on the Birthday of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Saint Leo the Great – Sermon XXVI. On the Feast of the Nativity, VI.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon on the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.
- Saint Archbishop John (Maximovitch) – Sermon on the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.
- St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete – Sermon on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
- Saint John of Damascus – Second homily on the Dormition of the Theotokos.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Vespers of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
- Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) – Sermon on the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Second Sunday after Pentecost: All Saints of Russia.
- The Need to Observe Church Laws and Regulations. Sermon by Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) on SS Peter and Paul Lent.
- Synaxarion for the Sunday of All Saints.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – The First Ecumenical Council – the heresy of Arius. Sermon on Sunday of the Fathers.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Easter: the Paralytic.
- The Synaxarion for the Saturday of Lazarus.
- The Synaxarion of the Saturday of the Akathist.
- The Synaxarion of the Sunday of the Veneration of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross.
- Synaxarion of the Saturday of the dead (Soul Saturday).
- The Life of Our Holy Father and Right-believing Prince Daniel Alexandrovich of Moscow. Whose memoiy is celebrated March 4th.
- St. Cyril of Alexandria – Homily on the Reception of Christ in the Temple.
- Saint Dimitri, Metropolitan of Rostov – Synaxis of the Heavenly Bodiless Angelic Powers
- Saint John of Damascus – First homily on the Dormition of the Theotokos.
- The Christian Spiritual Life – St. Seraphim of Sarov.
- Protopriest Victor Ilyenko – On the Saints of God (Sermon on the 2nd Sunday of Pentecost, the feast of All Russian Saints).
- Saint Archbishop John (Maximovitch) – Sermon on the Holy Pentecost.
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – First Homily on the Ascension of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ.
- The Testament of the Forty Holy and Glorious Martyrs of Christ who died at Sebaste (A Translation from the Greek Text).
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Homily on the Second Sunday of Lent.
- Synaxarion for the Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare Sunday).
- Saint John of Kronstadt – Sermon on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.
- Archbishop Anthony (Bartoshevich) of Geneva and Western Europe — THE GLORIFICATION OF THE RUSSIAN NEW MARTYRS.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon on the Theophany.
- Metropolitan Antony (Khrapovitsky) – Sermon on the Nativity of Christ.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Saint Nicholas, Defender of Faith.
- Saint Archbishop Averky (Taushev) – Do we value the Omophorion of the Most Pure? (Sermon on the Protection of the Theotokos).
- Saint Archbishop John (Maximovitch) – The Cross Preserves the Universe.
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Homily on the Saving Nativity of our Most Pure Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Sermon on the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- Saint Archbishop John (Maximovitch) – In Memory of the Royal Martyrs.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Three sermons on the Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul.
- Fr. Alexey Young – New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke.
- THE FAITHFULNESS TO THE RUSSIAN PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. Homily by St. John (Maximovich) on Sunday of all saints, who have shone forth in the land of Russia.
- Saint Maximus, Bishop of Turin in Italy – Sermon on the Anniversary of the Saints.
- Synaxarion for the Wednesday of Mid-Pentecost.
- The Saint Great-Martyr George the Trophy-Bearer.
- Metroplitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) – The Lazarus of the Parable, and the Lazarus who was Four Days in the Tomb.
- Saint Theophan the Recluse – Homily on the Meeting of the Lord.
- Archbishop Paul (Pavlov) – Sermon on the Feast Day of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.
- Epistle of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad at the Glorification of the New Martyrs of Russia (1981).
- Archpriest Michael Polsky – The New Martyrs of Russia (1972)
- Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Homily on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers.
- Saint Archbishop Averky (Taushev) – Sermon on the Feast Day of St Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra the Miracle-Worker.
- Synaxarion of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.
- Protopriest Leonid Kolchev – Homily for the Protection of the Holy Theotokos.
- Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) – THE APOCALYPSE OF OUR DAY.
- Archbishop Nathaniel (Lvov) – Sermon on the Nativity of the Most-Holy Mother of God.
- The Beginning of the Indiction – The New Liturgical Year.
- Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) – Advice to the contemporaries.
- Saint John of Kronstadt – Sermon on the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
- Archimandrite Justin Popovich – The Mystery of the Personality of Metropolitan Anthony and His Meaning for Orthodox Slavdom.
- Saint Archbishop Averky (Taushev) – The second Forerunner of the coming of Christ (Sermon on the Day of the Holy Prophet Elias).
- Saint Archbishop Averky (Taushev) – On the Apostolic Work of Prince St. Vladimir.
- Hiermonk Seraphim (Rose) – Our Living Links with the Holy Fathers: Archbishop Andrew (Rymarenko).
- Accounts of the Martyrs of the Chinese Orthodox Church who fell victim in Beijing in 1900.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – GOD IS WITH US! Sermon at Christmas Vespers.
- Archpriest Konstantin (Fedoroff) – Sermon on Sunday of the Holy Forefathers (2013).
- Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) talk in St. Vladimir Cathedral, Edmonton (talk #2, recorded in 1998).
- Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) talk in St. Vladimir Cathedral, Edmonton (talk #1, recorded in 1996).
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Sermon on the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple.
- Protopriest Leonid Kolchev – Homily for the feast of holy Archangel Michael and the heavenly host.
- Leonty, Metropolitan of Moscow – Why does the Archangel Michael have a martial appearance?
- The Resolution of the Sobor of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad on November 6/19, 2004 (The anathematizing of sergianism).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Homily for the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Sermon on the Transfiguration of the Lord.
- Pascha in the Midst of Summer. Sermon by Saint John (Maximovich) for the Feast of St. Seraphim, Wonderworker of Sarov.
- St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco – The Nativity of St. John the Baptist.
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Homily on the Sunday of All Saints.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for Trinity Sunday (Pentecost).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon about of the Lord's words: "For Judgment I am Come into this World...".
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Third Sunday after Easter: Myrrhbearing Women.
- Pascha Message of the First Hierarch of the ROC / ROCOR Metropolitan Philaret.
- Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky – The Three Visits of Mary Magdalene to the Tomb of Christ.
- Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky – The Faith of the Roman Centurion.
- Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky – The Kiss of Judas.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon on Palm Sunday.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent: St. Mary of Egypt.
- Saint Archbishop John (Maximovitch) – The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Third Sunday of Great Lent: Veneration of the Cross.
- Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) – Sermon for the Second of Great Lent: St. Gregory Palamas.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Forgiveness Sunday.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – The glorification of the great Holy Fathers in asceticism.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon on the parable of the Last Judgement.
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Sermon on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son (1/14 Feb 1971).
- Metroplitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) – Sermon on the day of the Publican and Pharisee.
- Regulations Of The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (Confirmed by the Council of Bishops in 1956 and by a decision of the Council dated 5/18 June, 1964).
- Saint Theophan the Recluse.
- Metropolitan Antony (Khrapovitsky) – The Faith of the Roman Centurion.
- Hieromonk Seraphim Rose - THE ROYAL PATH. True Orthodoxy in an Age of Apostasy.
- Fathers of the First Six Councils.
- Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica – Homily on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, leaders of the Apostles.
- Hieromonk Seraphim Rose – The Future of Russia and the End of the World.
- Hieromonk Seraphim Rose – The unbroken continuity of the orthodox monastic tradition (18th Century Russian's Monasticism).
- Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) – On the New False Teaching, the Deifying Name, and the "Apology" of Antony Bulatovich.
- Saint Archbishop John (Maximovitch) – A Discourse in Iconography.
- Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) – The Church’s Teaching about the Holy Spirit.
- Father Seraphim (Rose) on the hothouse approach to Orthodoxy and correcting the “incomplete baptism”.
- St. Justin (Popovich) – The Attributes of the Church (part of book - The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism).
- Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) - Letter to a priest on prayer.
- Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) – Television as a contemporary pastoral problem.
- Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) – On Patriarch Nikon (The Rehabilitation of the Truth).
- A Short Biography of Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky (+1936)
- NAME-WORSHIPPERS – Onomatolatria (Name-Glorifiers).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – «The Thyateira Confession» known as the Third Sorrowful Epistle (1975).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – The Second Sorrowful Epistle (1969).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – The First Sorrowful Epistle (1969).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Open Letter to Greek Archbishop Iakovos (1969).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Lenten Epistle to Pariarch Athenogoras (1968).
- Saint Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York, The New Confessor – Protest to Patriarch Athenogoras On the Lifting of the Anathemas (1965).
- Prof I. M. Andreev – On the Orthodox Christian Moral Upbringing.